The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mailed Out Our Application

Well, we finally got that initial application in the mail. We had to send it in with 2 pictures of us together as a couple, one picture of the outside of our house, and 3 pictures of the inside of our house. We kept the printer busy printing out all of those pictures! I wanted to make sure that we got the best shots that we could!

It was so exciting to put that envelope in the mail. It has officially started now folks! We should get our official forms in about 2 weeks so that we can start completing our dossier. I spoke with a representative from Children's Hope International on the phone. She stated that it takes about 3 or 4 months to complete the dossier. Once everything is logged in, it takes about one and a half years to get a referral for a baby.

Once we get a referral, we will travel to Vietnam to adopt our baby. We will stay about 2 or 3 weeks.

I am so excited. I know that it is a long wait and that there is a LOT of paperwork to do...but it has started now.

We will keep you all updated on our progress. Keep checking back to this blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

How Long?