The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Monday, July 23, 2007

Getting Ready for School to Start

Today I spent some time in my classroom. Well....technically it isn't my classroom anymore. I'm moving next door to the new computer lab. I am going to be the school's technology resource teacher this year. I am really excited about the new change.

My mom and dad came around to our house for my birthday the other day. They brought some really great food. We had steaks, baked potatoes, green beans (from their garden), tomatoes (from their garden), and fresh coleslaw….made with cabbage from their garden. They also got me a fantastic chocolate birthday cake with vanilla ice cream. It is a good thing that calories don’t count on your birthday! That is just a little gift from God.

So, we celebrated my birthday. It was a good day. There are so many exciting and thrilling things to do in this world. There are many new and fascinating places to visit. But sometimes, it is the comfort of family and home which reminds us of who we are and keeps us grounded in reality. I love my family and today was just a great day to be alive.

My beagle, Sadie, got bitten by a copperhead the other night. She came running up to Lisa and wanted to come into the house. We noticed right away that she was shaking all over like she was scared to death. I checked her out and called my dad. He came over and looked at her. By that time, her snout had started to swell up. We all knew what that meant. For second, I thought that she was going to pass out…poor little thing.

My mom and I ran down to the garden and pulled some cocklebur leaves. Mom tore up the leaves into bits and put them into a silk cloth that she keeps for times when the dogs get snake bit. After pounding the leaves lightly with a hammer, we poured milk over the cloth and wrung out the juice of the leaves into a pan. This turned the milk green! Sadie didn’t want to have anything to do with it, so we had to force it down her. We sometimes use vinegar and brown paper to draw out the poison, but we didn’t do it this time because it was so close to her eyes.

We have always used this remedy for our dogs when they were bitten by copperheads. It keeps the swelling down. Sadie was feeling better by the next morning and was completely well in two days. She has a little sore place on her snout where the snake bit her, but she is completely fine now. I’m glad that my parents knew which leaves to gather to help her out. This only works with copperhead bites though. Rattlesnakes are another thing entirely!

Lisa and I are just awaiting word from Children's Hope International. At least going back to work will help fill some time so that I'm not just sitting and thinking about the adoption. Keep checking back to this blog. I will keep it updated!

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