The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sorry Been Gone So Long

Sorry that we have not updated our blog for so long. Since September, life has seemed to be a whirl of activity, travel, family illness, and family heartache.

First, the last time we checked, we were #134 on the wait list. In the past few weeks, there has been some encouraging news about adoptions from Vietnam. More on that later.

And now for a brief recap on our lives since September:

1. I decided to have Lap Band surgery and in September started working on insurance requirements -a six month diet.

2. We thought about changing countries but after some long talks, we are happy about our decision to wait for the new agreement with Vietnam. Vietnam is where our hearts are.

3. In October, Alonzo and I went to Las Vegas for a 4 day, fun filled, super trip.

4. In November, Alonzo and I went to the Dominican Republic with our great friends Rod and Corrinna.

5. In December, Alonzo's uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer. He found out on Dec. 1 and passed away on Dec. 31. The whole month of December was given over to helping his family and as you can imagine Christmas was not the most happy of holidays.

6. On Christmas Eve, my mom took sick and after several days of caring for her and ER visits, she spent 3 days in the hospital and then moved in a nursing home here in Jackson.

7. In January, we missed almost 4 weeks of school. The snow along with missing school put both of us into a depression.

8. February saw Mom spending almost two weeks in UK Hospital and having brain surgery. She had a shunt put in the right side of her brain and seems to think that it is helping with the many health problems she was having.

Also, I had to have a sleep study done as part of the requirments for my lap band surgery. I am going on the machine as I stopped breathing 66 times in one hour. Scary.

9. March is bringing the end to my six month diet and I will be having surgery scheduled sometime this month.

Here is a picture of us in Las Vegas.

Here is us in the Dominican Republic.

Alonzo's Uncle Willard surrounded by family at his baptism.

More to come later, I just want to let everyone know that we are still here.


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