The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Playing the Waiting Game

Hey everybody. I thought that I would just check in with you and let you know what is up with us here in Kentucky. Lisa and I are just playing the waiting game right now. That is about all that we can do. Every time that our number goes down, we do a little cheer...and then we wait some more.

We are trying to keep our mind off of it. However, it is hard. Keep us in your thoughts!

We have been keeping busy. We just bought a new Toyota Corolla because it is cheaper on gas! We also went to a Loretta Lynn concert. Halfway to Hazard opened for them. Here is a pic of me with Halfway to Hazard. If you haven't heard them, give them a try. They are really good!

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