The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Two Months Down.........million more to go!

It has been two months since we were added to the wait list. In one way it seems to have went by so fast and in some ways it has went so slow...................... We have moved from 251 to 233. That number still seems huge to me. International adoption is such a roller coaster of emotions. One day you are so happy to have moved up on the list and the next day you can be so sad because of the long wait still ahead of you.

Still good news is good news and that is what counts. Alonzo and I know in our hearts that we will get the baby that we are meant to have. We have come to believe that we were meant to complete our family through international adoption so we have to just hang in there and one day we will be one of the lucky ones showing pictures of our baby to everyone that even just looks at us. LOL

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Good News!! Angie, from CHI, just e-mailed me today that we are #224 on the waiting list, so that makes you #222. I hope this makes your day a little brighter!

How Long?