The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year.....a little late.

Sorry it has been so long since we lasted posted. This has been a very busy time for us. The biggest and most important news is that we have moved from 251 on the waiting list to 240. That was the best news ever. Now if we can only keep moving like that this will be a wonderful year.

I turned 40 years old on Jan. 3 and everyone has been giving me a hard time about being over the hill. LoL To me age is just a number and it's your attitude about life that counts. Still, I worry some at being 40 or 41 and a new mother, but if Nancy Grace can have twins at 48 I think I will be ok. (Even without all the help she has to have)

Alonzo has been busy playing his new X-Box 360. He had been wanting one for so long that I finally got it for him. I figure that he needed to have it now to play because when Jacob gets here he will have little time for anything else.

We have been buying things for Jacob's room and if he doesn't come soon, he will have to sleep in the guest room. Alonzo and I can not help ourselves when we see something cute or that is a really good deal. We are not going to start putting his room together till this summer. It will give us something to work on over the long summer break.

I will post some pictures next time of some of his things. Till then everyone take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

am so happy for the both of you.
If anyone was put on this earth to be parents its you. What a lucky little boy! Can't wait to see a pic of him.

Connie Alsept

How Long?