The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Adventures in Fingerprinting

Hey everybody! Well, we have the fingerprinting phase of our adoption over and done with. It went smoothly...sort of. We left school early on Wednesday, Oct. 10th so that we could get to Charleston, WV in the daylight and find the CIS office. The trip wasn't too took aboout 3 1/2 hours to get there from here. When we got to Charleston, we kept passing up the exit we needed to take! First we were going one way on the interstate...then the other...then we turned around again. LOL! We finally got off at the right exit. It turned out that the CIS building was one that I had been looking at each time we passed the exit. It was so easy to find.
We were there the next morning bright and early. We had stayed at the Ramada in Charleston. I will have to say that I slept very well there...the beds were wonderful. They also had a great breakfast...eggs, sausage, biscuits, gravy, fruit, cereal, danish, and even waffles. It was delicious!

At the CIS office, I was sneaking around taking pictures for our scrapbook of the adoption. I just knew that the security guard was going to think that I was up to something no good...a terrorist or something...LOL. I snapped a few quick photos and stashed the camera.

My fingerprinting experience was uneventful. They don't use ink anymore. They use a computer. The little lady in the room washed my fingers with water and put them on the scanner. It was a little uncomfortable when she was rolling them to get a complete print, but it wasn't painful or anything. I was out in about 10 minutes. I told my wife that it was nothing.

My wife went in the room to have her fingerprints. I kept waiting and waiting. She was in there for almost 45 minutes! Finally, she came out. Everyone in the room was staring at her. I even joked with her later that the security guard had gone for his gun...LOL.

It seems that they had a hard time getting her fingerprints. The little lady in the room finally started using stuff like witch hazel, corn oil, and even Windex on Lisa's fingers in order to get a good print...LOL! She was finally able to get a good set of prints.

That was on Thursday the 11th. On Saturday October 13th, we had our final homestudy visit. Michelle, our social worker, came to our house and took the grand tour. Everything was fine. Of course, we had been cleaning like crazy...but I think that everyone does that. You just want everything to be perfect.

We also finished up our Because They Waited DVD set that weekend and took the final online test. We just got the results back...we passed. Now, we just sit back and wait for the forms to process. Soon, we will be getting our form that gives us permission to adopt internationally (171). I can't wait!

We will keep you updated! Keep checking in!

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