The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Completed Our First Homestudy Meeting

Last Saturday, Lisa and I met with our social worker, Michelle Satler, in Richmond for our first homestudy meeting. The first two meetings will be held at the public library in Richmond. The last one will be held at our house.

It was so nice to finally meet Michelle in person. We also met another couple, the Kirklands, who are adopting from Vietnam. They seemed like a nice couple. Lisa and I were wondering if we would all be traveling about the same time to Vietnam.

We now have a big packet to work through. I need to write my autobiography. Lisa is getting started on hers.

We have started planning how we are going to be changing our office into the baby's room. Jacob is going to have a neat room. I think that we want to go with a Winnie the Pooh theme. We saw a great set last weekend in Lexington. Lisa was really liking it. We will probably end up getting it because it was a nice maroon color and would go well with the color of our logs.

I think that it is so cool that we are planning for our son and he hasn't even been conceived yet...LOL. I can't wait for the day that we are "paper pregnant."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Completed Our Official Application

Well, yesterday we completed our official application/contract with CHI. Although we have already been approved to procede with the adoption process, this paperwork allowed the ball to start rolling for other parts of the adoption.

For starters, we are now having our homestudy started. We meet with our social worker this weekend. She called and set up a time. We will meet with her twice before she comes to our house for the final visit. I have read on other people's blogs that the social worker asks a lot of personal questions. I guess that it is important to make sure that an unstable person or couple is attempting to adopt. However, since both Lisa and I work with children all day, I don't think that we will have an issues.

I am a little nervous. I know that having a baby in the house will change our entire life. However, I am ready for it. I never felt ready before, and therefore, I never wanted kids. That is all different now. I feel ready. I am ready. I guess that it is different for everyone. Some people have kids in their early 20's. I waited until my mid-30's. But life is like is a different experience for everyone.

Wish us luck on our homestudy visit. I'll blog more later! :-) If you haven't had a chance to donate to our adoption fund, visit . Thanks and God Bless!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Order Some Brownies....Help Us Raise Money for Our Adoption!

Hey guys! I know that there are some major chocolate lovers out there. I found a website where you can order some amazing brownie mix. It is called Mississippi Muddles Brownie Mix. Just listen to this description

We’ve muddled this mix with dark and white chocolate chips for an outrageously good, dark and fudgy brownie bar. Named first-place winner for best cookie mix by Food Distribution magazine, our dry Mississippi Muddles brownie mix lets you whip up rich, warm delights in minutes. Just add egg and butter to the prepared mix and bake—makes 2 dozen cookies. Lower-fat preparation instructions are included. No refrigeration required; this 16-oz. peanut-free dry mix stores for up to one year.

The best part about this is that when you order from this company, they will send us 50% to go toward our adoption! It is the best of both worlds! You get to satisfy that sweet tooth....we get money for a sweet baby! And since this is for a good cause, I'm sure that there won't be any calories...LOL!

Of course, there are other items for sale as items, cards, wrapping paper, and other nice things. Just take a look through their online catalog. Shop to your heart's content. You can choose from loads of reasonably priced cards, gift wrap, gifts, candy and treats, even popular magazine subscriptions.

Here is how to do it. First, go to:

Second: SHOP! This is the fun part! Order early for Christmas! LOL!

When you check out, select:

State: Kentucky

Organization: Alonzo and Lisa Fugate Adoption Fund

That is all there is to it. The company will send you your order and we will get funds toward our adoption. It is so easy!

Thanks so much and God Bless!

How Long?