The Fugates in Moscow

The Fugates in Moscow

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Holiday

Lisa and I celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday, Nov. 17th. We had to celebrate early because we were going on vacation over the Thanksgiving week.

We invited my mom and dad, Lisa's mom, my Uncle Junior, my Uncle Willard and Aunt Colleen, and Rod, Corrinna, and Hailey. It was a full house for us. Even Jacob was with us (in spirit anyway...since he probably hasn't even been born yet)!

We had a great menu: turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccolli casserole, green beans, rolls, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and lots of Cool Whip! It was a great dinner and everyone ate way TOO much...but that is what the holidays are about.

As I sat watching everyone eat, I wondered what it would be like to play the role of DAD at the holidays. That is something that I haven't done yet...but I look forward to it so much. I can imagine that the holidays at this time of year take on a whole new meaning when you have kids around. I can't wait!

Here are some holiday pics to enjoy!

On the adoption news, Lisa and I are still waiting for our I171 form. When we get it, we can fax it to Children's Hope International and get on the waiting list. Sigh..such a long process!

My Aunt Colleen and me

Hailey with a Thanksgiving Pumpkin!

The Three Amigos (Uncle Junior, Uncle Willard, and Dad)

Hailey and me in front of the tree

Uncle Junior

How Long?